I write and photograph features, background stories and portraits for a number of different publications, mainly magazines, both Danish and English. Currently I am working on a book that will be out out in the late summer of 2012.
Here are some of the publications I have delivered stories to:
I have written a large number of stories for Danish adventure travel magazine over the last seven years.
A couple of covers I photographed.
Feature: Bolivia (Text & Photo)
Various spreads / intros to features: Australia, Borneo, The US (Text & Photo)
Background & Photo Story: Kathmandu, Nepal (Text & Photo)
Feature: Kyrgyzstan (Text & Photo)
Feature: Indian Himalaya (Text & Photo)
Feature (Text & Photo)
Adventure World (Denmark)
Feature: North West Frontier Province, Pakistan (text & photo)
Background Story: Mexico (Text)
Interview / Portrait (Text)
Alt materiale på www.toregroenne.com © Tore Grønne